I love the power of print!

I’m Kate by the way, founder of Absorb -

Think of me as your design & marketing business partner…with a Yorkshire accent of course!

Absorb’s creative studio was born to transform passionate businesses into luxury brands and re-connect to their audience again through enticing visuals and design strategy.

I've seen how you show up when you’re confident in the way your company presents itself and I know what you can accomplish when your branding isn’t holding you back.

I knew I could help brand’s from a visual angle and from a marketing aspect. With ten plus years of industry experience, I was ready to run things my way. The way I work, I much prefer to meet over coffee and brainstorm projects face-to-face…that’s the Yorkshire side to me!

absorb -

To take in your surroundings, soak up inspiration and draw in from what’s around you.

Whether that be a logo from a coffee cup or a postcard on holiday - because that’s how my creative mind works. I never stops taking in creative visuals for inspiration - it’s the way I’ve always been. That’s why we should work together because I live and breathe design.

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